Slaves in the 1800s were called property which cost a lot of money. Because they cost so much and they were considered “property” owners felt that they had the rights to give them punishments for anything they felt was wrong of them doing. The idea of slave punishments started in England . Most slave owners didn’t believe that their punishments were harsh or mean. Others, very little smart slave owners who were nice to the slaves they bought because they knew that cruel punishment would lead to slaves running away and it would take more time and effort to get the slaves back. They also knew that if the slaves were to run away, their plantation wouldn’t grow because the lack of work done, which meant less money and less slaves to be bought. The punishment for not doing the right thing or doing something improper was either whips ranged from 50 to 100 lashes, branding, drowned, put in stocks, slapped, kicked, tarred and feathered, and/or tied up. Punishment for run away slaves would be to be chased by dogs. If they were caught they would be hit with paddles or whips, or their body part would be cut off, mostly their ear. Even thought these punishments can get really bad most slaves believe that the worst abuse is being sold away from the family.
Information: (ThinkQuest: project by students for students)
Picture 1: (slave being whipped by his owner as punishment)
Picture 2: (slave about to be killed as a punishment)